
ALIENS (PART I): The Introduction

Aliens are my favorite cryptid because they're ones that have a strong possibility to exist. I definitely believe in the existence of aliens at least somewhere out in the universe and I will explain why in this blog. Space is extremely vast. In fact, there are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. The closest major galaxy to Earth is 2.537 million light years away, meaning there is a lot of empty space between all these galaxies There's a lot to talk about when it comes to aliens. Some of the most prominent alien conspiracies surround Area 51, a US military base that is incredibly secretive, causing a lot of speculation. Also, the Men in Black are not just a movie, but also an Alien conspiracy. There is so much evidence about the existence of Aliens that I am going to separate this blog into different parts. This being the introduction. Here is a schedule of the Alien blog series: Nov 8  - Introduction Nov 29  - Area 51 Dec 13  - Men in Black Dec 27

The Giwoggle

The Giwoggle is a very unknown cryptid, but one that is close to home. The Giwoggle is the alleged cryptid from Clinton County. The creature is described as being 6 feet tall, having the legs of a horse, the claws of a bird, and the body of a wolf. In 1909, when terrors of the Jersey Devil were at an all time high, the Giwoggle was thought to be spotted on rooftops in downtown Lock Haven. Fun fact: The Giwoggle is actually Clinton County's official monster. Whether you believe in the Giwoggle or not, it is very interesting to have such a wild creature supposedly live where you do. I personally think it didn't actually exist and it was just a rumor that spread and people believed it at the time.


We have all heard of Bigfoot. He is possibly the most well-known cryptid in existence. Said to live in the northwestern United States, he is an ape-like creature dwelling in the forest leaving footprints. People who claim they have seen Bigfoot say he is very tall and covered in hair. There have been thousands of Bigfoot claims, yet none have really any real basis. A popular photo in 2007 taken by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization claimed to be a sighting of a juvenile Bigfoot. However, the Pennsylvania Game Commission disputed that the picture was actually just a bear with mange. The photo seems to be the more logical option of it being a bear. All other photo evidence or video evidence of Bigfoot is something that can easily be faked by a human. It is because of this that I can't say that Bigfoot exists. While obviously there is a chance he does, it seems extremely unlikely that in such a densely populated area like the northwest with California, Oregon, and Wash

The Moon Landing...Did it Happen?

This is a very popular conspiracy theory, but also a very interesting and plausible one. Did humans actually walk on the moon? During the moon landings, tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union were high and they were in a cold war. Both countries were racing to make it to the moon first because it would be seen as a worldwide technological advancement. However, making it to the moon was expensive and difficult for the United States. That is one reason people think that the moon landing may have been a hoax. This claim is refuted by hoax debunkers saying that soviets were going to claim foul play if the U.S.A. made it to the moon first and that would be a huge propaganda win for them. Another big reason people think the moon landing may have been faked is that NASA wanted to avoid embarrassment and continue to receive government funding. The $30 billion raised by NASA is thought to be used to pay people off, according to conspiracy theorists. Also, there was no video

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

I'm sure everyone has heard of the seven wonders of the world, but you may not have hear of the seven ancient wonders of the world. Among them include the Great Pyramid of Giza, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Rhodes, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which is what my blog is going to be about this week. There is a lot of conversation surrounding whether or not the Hanging Gardens existed. They were said to be this beautiful haven built by King Nebuchadnezzar for his Consort Amyitis. He reigned as king during 605-562 BC, which is when the gardens were supposedly built. However, there is no archaeological evidence of its existence. Because of this it is unclear if the gardens were actually built, or just a poetic creation. In my opinion, the gardens never existed because the depictions of it make it seem like that could not have been built at that time. On top of that, there is no evidence s

Introduction to "Fact or Fiction?"

Are you interested in conspiracy theories, unsolved mysteries, and/or the paranormal? If so, this blog might interest you, as I will be researching these topics and providing you with the information to take your own stance on whether or not they are true or if there is a reasonable conclusion you can come to. I will also be providing my own opinion on the subject. To give you a little taste about what this blog is about, I am going to be talking about a cryptid today. This cryptid is called the Mothman. The story originated in Point Pleasant, West Virginia in November of 1966. Numerous sightings of a creature that looked like a large flying man with 10 foot wings were reported with multiple witnesses. The sheriff of Mason County explained that the sightings were most likely unusually large heron, while a wildlife biologist said that it was likely a sandhill crane that was out of route of its migration path. The next year in the same location as the Mothman sightings, Silver Bridge